The theory image

A beautifully designed car with the wrong fuel will not work properly. There is nothing wrong with the car. It’s just getting the wrong fuel. Fill it with the correct fuel and it will run properly.

With even more sophistication, you’re beautifully designed. And with the wrong food you will not function properly.

Your brain is a physical organ just like your heart, lungs, stomach, liver, kidneys, skin and so on. All of your organs need to be nutritionally fed to function properly – especially your brain. You see, your brain uses over 20% of the energy that you consume. That’s a lot. Pound for pound, it’s the biggest hog for food. Every time the brain is thinking, which is always, it needs to make and wire up new neurons to process and store the new thoughts. It needs the proper nutrition and sufficient energy to properly make working neurons. If you eat junk, it strains to make thoughts and memories with sub quality material. This strain stresses you out. However the brain is a social organ. So, it thinks of social reasons …stressed because of the boss… of the spouse… of the money… of the…. Listen, the boss, spouse, money, or whatever, are what your brain is designed to think about. It’s trying to do its job. But your thoughts are hampered, distorted, impeded, stressed from running on the wrong fuel.

You’re told that psychotic drugs are the only alternative. There are no other alternatives. When I heard this, I thought the claim was absurd. Not for a moment, did I believe that there were no alternatives. How can anyone believe that there are no alternatives?

Here how I know ther are alternatives. Psychotic drugs are either ingested or injected and eventually get into your blood. A small dose, a tiny pill, of a psychotic drug, thinly diluted throughout your blood, is enough to change how the brain responds. This is proof that your blood’s chemistry affects the mind. You know that sipping coffee; drinking alcohol, smoking cannabis; snorting cocaine; injecting hallucinogens affect you mind. The food you choose to eat also affects the blood chemistry which in turn also affects your mind. And the wrong foods will leave you stressed out of your skull. The correct foods, natural nutritious clean foods, the foods you’re meant to eat, will nourish your brain and destress your mind. In other words, there is an alternative.

So! Eat the foods you’re designed to eat. Don’t eat what someone else designed for you to eat.

This is a good paradigm. Except our culture does not know what we’re designed to and not to eat, not your parents, nor your physician, nor your psychiatrist, nor your friends, your dietitian, your religious leaders, nor the commercials on television, radio, nor social media, and especially not the government food guide.

You put a carrot and a mouse before a cat and a rabbit. The rabbit nibbles the carrot and the cat chases the mouse. All the animals and creatures know what to eat except us. We, humans, supposedly the most intelligent of them all, are the only ones who do not know what to and not eat. Well, then who knows? Who?

Your gut knows! You see, the design of your body that defines it as a human is the same as it was at the beginning of human kind. And I'm certain, absolutely certain, that the designer of all things put into the gut of all animals, including us humans, the instinct to know what to and not to eat.

Now if you learn something, which is different that your instincts, the learned knowledge clouds the instinct.

So you haven’t been listening to your gut. You’ve been listening to the seemingly sensible but erroneous paradigms of your culture. Gut Feelin’ can think of 85 seemingly sensible but erroneous catch phrases about food that your culture accepts as defacto.

For example. “Eat a balanced diet.” I don’t know what this means. My interpretation is "eat some of everything”. So, cereal, cake, ice cream, bread, French fries, cookies, hamburger helper, Pizza, cane sugar, pure corn oil, Macaroni and cheese, are necessities for a proper diet. Yeah? No! Well maybe if you “Eat in moderation”. Moderation? What is that? How much is moderation? Well! It’s ¾ the amount that you normally eat or is it ½? It’s never more. Or is it? … I don’t know. But if you’ve eaten what you think moderation is and you’re still hungry. Then obviously you’ve got the portions wrong and need more cake or seconds of macaroni. Right? Wrong!

Now, let me give you an example of listening to your gut. Have you ever eaten a healthy nutritious meal ‘til you’re stuffed full and then about 15 to 20 minutes later you’re opening the refrigerator door looking for something to eat because you’re still hungry? Yeah! Well, this is your gut telling you that your “healthy nutritious” meal wasn’t a healthy nutritious meal after all. Your gut’s still looking for the foods that you’re designed to eat for your body and especially for your brain.

And now, you’re stressed to the point of seeking professional help.

Once your brain is working with proper nutrition, you’ll manage the woes of your life without being stressed out. And isn’t that’s how it should be?

Contact us or make an appointment. We're here to help.